Does it Hurt to Have Your Teeth Cleaned?

November 26, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 2:57 am
patient getting dental checkup and cleaning in Phoenix

It’s recommended that patients visit the dentist every six months for dental checkups and cleanings. Even so, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), less than 65% of people visited the dentist at all in 2019. If you’re avoiding making an appointment out of fear that it will hurt, read on to learn about how getting a dental checkup and cleaning in Phoenix works and whether they cause discomfort.

Does Having Your Teeth Cleaned Hurt?

Having your teeth cleaned shouldn’t cause any pain, but some complications may lead to your teeth feeling more sensitive than normal. If your gums are swollen due to gum disease or other factors, you have a decayed tooth, or you have another oral health issue, then you may experience some discomfort during your cleaning. Let your dentist or hygienist know if you feel uncomfortable during treatment so they can take steps to make you more comfortable.

How to Reduce Discomfort During Teeth Cleanings

If you are uncomfortable during cleanings, there are several things that you and your dentist can do to make your experience more tolerable, including:

  • Brush gently – Brushing your teeth too hard can damage your enamel, which will make your teeth more sensitive and more likely to develop cavities. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your teeth and fluoride toothpaste to strengthen the enamel.
  • Numbing –Ask your dentist about using dental sedation to numb the area they’re working on and make you feel more comfortable during your cleaning.
  • Pain relievers –Check with your dentist to see if it’s okay for you to take over-the-counter pain relievers, like aspirin, to lessen discomfort.
  • Oral hygiene – If you don’t already, make sure to brush your teeth twice per day and floss once per day. This will lessen your chances of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues that can make your mouth feel sensitive during cleanings.
  • Sensitivity toothpaste – Use desensitizing toothpaste to reduce discomfort and make it easier to have your teeth cleaned. It can take a few weeks before you notice a difference, so start using it well before your appointment if possible.
  • Electric toothbrush –Electric toothbrushes do most of the work for you, so they can be a helpful way of cleaning your teeth without damaging them.

Dental cleanings shouldn’t be painful. If they are, make sure to speak with your dentist so you can work together to find a solution and get your oral health moving in the right direction!

About the Author

Bell Road Dental Care treats their patients with the effective, efficient, and exceptional oral health services they deserve. If you have sensitive teeth or other oral health issues that can make dental cleanings unpleasant, they can offer advice and take preventive measures to make sure you’re as comfortable as can be! To make an appointment or for more information on how to lessen tooth sensitivity and make your cleanings more comfortable, visit Bell Road Dental Care’s website or call their office at (602) 404-3483.

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