5 Lies that Aren’t Fooling Your Dentist

November 10, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 6:50 pm
patient at the dentist in Phoenix

When visiting the dentist, many people stretch the truth to make it seem like they have better oral hygiene and health practices than they actually do. Though they may think they’re being convincing, dentists are trained professionals who can tell right away if something doesn’t add up. Read on to learn about five common lies people tell at their appointments and how dentists can tell they aren’t true.

Lie #1: I Don’t Drink Soda

Soda contains tons of sugar and acid, which damage your tooth enamel and make you more prone to cavities and other oral health issues. You don’t have to cut soda out completely, but this sweet beverage and other sugar-filled or acidic beverages should be saved for special occasions. When you choose to have one, be sure to rinse your mouth out with water afterward to remove leftover sugar.

Lie #2: I Don’t Smoke Cigarettes

Tobacco is notorious for causing tooth discoloration, and it’s often immediately apparent to your dentist that you’re a smoker. They will also be able to see nicotine stains on your fingers and smell smoke on your clothes. Smoking cigarettes increases your risk of developing cancer, including that of the mouth and throat. Using tobacco products can also lead to gum disease, decay, and even tooth loss. Speak with your doctors, friends, family, or support groups about the best way to kick the habit.

Lie #3: That Doesn’t Hurt

No matter how hard you try to fight through the pain, your dentist can tell when you’re uncomfortable. If you’re experiencing any level of discomfort while your dentist works on your teeth, speak up so they can administer a topical anesthetic or recommend taking pain medication before your next appointment. Some of the tale-tell signs that you’re in pain include:

  • Your eyes twitch and clench shut
  • Your legs and tongue tighten
  • You have trouble sitting still

Lie #4: I Only Drink Occasionally

Alcohol has a very distinct smell, so your dentist will be able to detect it on your breath. Those who drink alcohol regularly also tend to have very dry mouths. This is because alcohol interferes with the salivary glands, which reduces saliva production. Try to cut back on your alcohol consumption and drink more water to keep your mouth well hydrated.

Lie #5: I Floss Every Day

Brushing removes plaque from the teeth, but it can’t reach the spaces between your pearly whites. If you don’t floss, your dentist will be able to tell due to plaque build-ups and food particles between the teeth. Flossing every day is an important part of keeping your mouth healthy and preventing cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.

So, when you visit your dentist for your biannual checkups and cleanings, tell them the truth. They can help you come up with a game plan to get your oral health on the right track!

About the Practice

Lying to your dentist may seem like a good way to hide your lack of proper brushing or flossing, but being straightforward with Bell Road Dental Care will allow Dr. Doug Sewright, Dr. Reza Jafari, and Dr. Sierra Ferreira to give you the care you deserve. They offer preventive, restorative, and cosmetic services to help you improve your oral health and achieve a bright, beautiful smile. Call Bell Road Dental Care at (602) 404-3483 or visit their website to set up an appointment or for more information on their oral health services.

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