Bell Road Dental Care Blog

4 Tips for a Healthier Smile This Spring

March 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 10:01 pm

Spring is finally in full swing, and there’s no better way to kick off your spring cleaning this season than by straightening up your smile and getting your teeth into tip-top shape! Here are a few useful tips from your dentist in Phoenix to help you set your smile up for a healthy and bright year!


The Impact of Salt on Your Smile

January 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 10:01 pm
 wooden bowl and spoon full of salt

Salt is an important ingredient in many of your favorite foods. From bringing out the flavors in meats and vegetables to kicking up the sweetness in your favorite treats, it’s undeniable how much of a staple this seasoning is. You may know that sugar can have adverse effects on your pearly whites, but what about salt? Continue reading to learn about the impact of salt on your smile.


How Dental Implants an Prevent Facial Collapse

January 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 8:19 pm
closeup of patient smiling after receiving dental implants

Tooth loss is a serious oral health problem that affects more than just the aesthetics of your face. It also impacts the way your smile functions and can change the shape of your face. Fortunately, dentists offer a variety of options to replace missing teeth, including dental implants. Keep reading to learn about how dental implants can prevent facial collapse and keep your oral health in good condition.


What is the Lifespan of Dental Implants?

December 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 5:41 pm
dentist answering questions about lifespan of dental implants

If you have ever lost a tooth or had to have one pulled, your dentist likely recommended having it replaced. Though there are a variety of tooth replacement options on the market, dental implants are favored by many patients and dentists alike. This is because they are incredibly durable, lifelike, and long-lasting. But exactly how long do they last? Continue reading to learn about the lifespan of dental implants as well as ways to make them last as long as possible.


Recent Research Shows Flossing Can Improve Overall Health

November 18, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 3:57 pm
a person flossing while looking in the mirror

A study published in the Journal of Periodontology in 2019 found that only about 32 percent of adults 30 and older floss daily, with tobacco users having lower odds of daily flossing. Not only does not flossing put you at a higher risk for oral health conditions like gum disease but omitting this simple act from your daily routine has also been shown to increase risk of developing other medical conditions due to bacteria accumulating in the mouth. Read on to learn what the research says about the connection between flossing and overall health and the best way to take care of your smile and your body.


4 Factors That Contribute to Dental Implant Success

November 10, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 4:02 pm
a happy person with their thumbs up

The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons estimates that dental implants have a 95 percent success rate past five years of placement. When the treatment is completed by a trained specialist, that rate goes up to an impressive 98 percent. As one of the leading solutions to tooth loss, dental implants are able to offer a wide array of benefits for patients who infest in them, but what exactly makes them so successful, and how do they stand apart from traditional prosthetics like dentures? Read on to find out!


What Will Happen at My Dental Implant Consultation?

October 20, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 4:41 pm
A patient having a dental implant consultation in Phoenix

When you’re getting dental implants, you tend to want them at once. That’s understandable — faster treatment means less waiting for a restored smile. Still, you’ll need to confirm that these tooth replacements are right for you. In other words, you should first consult with your dentist to ensure you’re a good candidate. As for what this visit will look like, your local dental practice can give you an idea. Read on to learn four things to expect from a dental implant consultation in Phoenix.


How Do You Floss Around Dental Implants?

October 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 3:55 pm
An illustration of someone flossing dental implants in Phoenix

When it comes to replacement teeth, dental implants are one of the best options. After just a few dental visits, they can restore your smile’s looks and function alike! Still, implants need regular care to last a long time; otherwise, they’ll fail early. It’s crucial, then, that you remember to floss them daily with the proper method. As for how to do so, your local dental practice can help. Read on to learn four essential steps when flossing dental implants in Phoenix.


Can “Bad Teeth” Be Inherited Through Genetics?

September 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 8:48 pm
A family smiling cheerfully.

Your smile is one of the first things that people will notice about you—so if your pearly whites stubbornly refuse to remain bright and resplendent, you might be wondering if there’s something or someone else to blame. Unfortunately, there are actually a few certain oral health issues that you can inherit from your parents that can prevent your smile from looking its best. Here’s more from your dentist about some of these issues and what you can do to lessen their influence.


4 of the Most Surprising Cavity-Causing Foods

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 7:38 pm
Saltine crackers in a bowl.

If you’ve ever heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” you should know that there is a semblance of truth to this adage. While you won’t turn into a slice of pizza if all you eat is pizza, your body’s health can rapidly degrade if you’re continuously eating unhealthy foods! This is especially true concerning your oral health—and unfortunately, there are many cavity-causing foods out there that can compromise your teeth and gums and cause all sorts of problems for your smile. Keep reading to learn more from your dentist about four of these surprisingly harmful foods.

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