5 Causes of Gray Teeth and What You Can Do About Them

July 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 5:21 pm
Man covering up gray teeth

We all dream of having beautiful, pearly white teeth that sparkle. Unfortunately, this has yet to become a reality for many of us. You may even see some unfamiliar shades of discoloration. Instead of a yellow tint, teeth can also become a gray or blue color. There are several reasons why this can occur, but it doesn’t mean that you have to settle for them. Here are some of the causes of gray teeth and how your dentist can help.


Can Teens Get Dental Implants?

July 2, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — bellroad @ 8:17 pm
Teen at dentist

Tooth loss is an issue that affects millions of Americans around the country. While many people who have missing teeth are more advanced in age, tooth loss certainly doesn’t discriminate. Fortunately, there are several tooth replacement options out there to help restore smiles. Dental implants are a preferred method by dentists because of their numerous benefits, but are they a suitable option for teenagers with missing teeth? Here is everything you need to know.
